this was so much fun!! Thank you for attaching the inspiration behind the poem. PS: totally loved it.

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that means so much to me!! Thank you! <3

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Beautiful sentiment

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I’m so happy you liked it!

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No doubt. I’m reminded how Einstein, one of our greatest minds ever, said that he gave thanks 100 times a day to the scientists who came before him, allowing him to make his transcendent discoveries about the universe. He understood the secret!

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Aug 13Liked by sonja ringo

Wow this was truly moving and a truly special read thank you Ringy, you are Extra special XO

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you are my extra special :) <33333

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This is amazing. I hadn't read Jobs' email to himself and your poem is lovely.

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Thanks so much for being here & reading, LeeAnn!

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Beautiful, Sonja. Thank you for sharing it. I’d read the Jobs’ piece before, but am happy you were inspired to write something that moves beyond it. 😊

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I appreciate that, Paul, thank you so much for reading it! <3

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12Liked by sonja ringo

That was beautiful. Thanks for sharing your letter. Job's letter reminds me of the speech Obama gave that he was endlessly ridiculed for, where he said "If you've got a business, You didn't build that". It's so true. We can do less than nothing by ourselves. But as one with the infinite, with all our brothers and sisters, we are capable of literally anything we can imagine.

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what a beautiful comment to wake up to - thank you for your words & bringing the Obama speech to my attention! I'll have to go find it <33

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It’s a great speech. But it sure pissed off A whole bunch of entitled conservatives. Ones who have a difficult time coming to terms with their entitlement.

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i can see how people might be offended by that but also, it takes a village!

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I love that last stanza! We truly are made up of the people we meet. Makes you think twice about who you keep in your circle. Thanks for the poetry!

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over the years i've definitely started to be more thoughtful/intentional about who i keep close close anyways; it's definitely good practise because we are puzzle pieces of everyone we interact with! Thank you for reading :)

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beautiful! thank you so sharing this

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daw, thank YOU for taking the time to read it 🥰

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Very enlightening!

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i appreciate that deeply - thank you so much for reading!

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Astounding. Truly astounding.

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gahhh, thank you thank you!!

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Well, this is just amazing.

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Thanks so much, Patris! So happy you enjoyed it 🥰🥰

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"i am moved by art of people who died long before i gulped my first ragged breath."

This alone is inspirational!

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i appreciate that sm Ken 🥲

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i love this. thank you for sharing

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i'm so happy you love it!! thank you for being here <33

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Aug 12Liked by sonja ringo

This is beautiful, Sonja. What a treasure it is to have the pleasure of poking at your poesy.

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i appreciate you immensely, Mike 🙏🙏

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