This piece resonates so much, particularly this part « but no, i was not thrilled to see the opening for the role of live chat customer support representative haha it actually makes me want to vomit from anxiety. » I have always found resumes and cover letters to be immensely confusing because they feel so inauthentic.

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I’m so happy this resonated with you, Danielle! Oh my gosh it feels SO inauthentic which just really makes my skin crawl.. I feel like ppl like us (poets/writers/sensitive souls) problaby struggle extra with this kind of “transactional” writing and how it commodifies us. it’s dehumanizing lol i hate itttttt

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I feel I went down the emotional rollercoaster with you after those reflections on job hunting 😮‍💨

Thank you for sharing a bit of your journey and play 😊

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I'm so glad you joined me on the rollercoaster hahah, weeee!!! It's been a bumpy ride but there were so many lessons along the way. Thank you for being here, Jamal!

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May 7Liked by sonja ringo

Thanks for this; I really enjoyed it. Ugh, job hunting is a drag for all the reasons you mention. Sending some good luck your way.

Growing up with dogs, we always used to joke about how whatever stick you pick up becomes THE STICK and must be fetched at all costs.

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Thank you so much for your kind words! I keep waking up to rejection emails ahahaa I might start turning them into blackout poems lol.

And that’s so real about dogs ahahaa I truly adore that about them. It’s like whatever we touch suddenly becomes ALIVE

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I really loved this! As a poet who has been looking for a job for years, I feel the struggle and the frustration. I definitely wasn’t built for this world. Your description of playing in your backyard with your dogs sounds heavenly.

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I’m so happy that you enjoyed reading it ☺️☺️ sounds like we are kindred souls!! I wonder if it’s a good thing that we aren’t built for this society.. since it is such an unnatural and ill one haha. Built to lay in moss 💗💗

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Yes! “Built to lay in moss”—I should put that on my resume 😅 How lovely to meet a kindred soul!

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May 5Liked by sonja ringo

Love every word Ringy! It is all such true essence and you really pinned the tail on the donkey when you said the little things are the BIG things, as life is truly just a collection of experiences and it's up to us how we perceive every one of them, I love you always XO

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Love you so much forever Gelfy!! The little things are the universe for real 💫 we will forever be paying attention 👁️

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May 5Liked by sonja ringo

love this, sonja. i’m sorry it’s all so overwhelming right now. these ebbs and flows get us good, don’t they! although you have the looming feeling hanging over you, thank you for still showing up here. your online presence has made my days so much brighter recently and has helped me to feel less overwhelmed. appreciate all the love and play you bring to the interwebs my friend 💕 sending big hugs across the oceans to you!

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sending the biggest hugs right back at you, my dear 🥹🥹 thank you so much for reading this + for your words.. that truly means so much to me to hear 💗💗 honoured to have carried some light your way, all the way across the oceans!

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i was smiling so hard throughout reading this !!! i wish i could `like` each segment separately !!! the unemployment/job search burnout is so real. i love that you've become the magical creature that leaves an imprint in the grass. thank you for bringing that playful energy into your writing <33

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oh my gosh thank YOU for reading this and for leaving this sweet sweet comment.. i feel so seen and heard. i hope to continue embodying the mystery creature of the grass LMAO goals!! i'm so happy to have found u here in this internet world, i resonate with u and your work so deeply <33

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